
Community resources for PowerShell coders

PhillyPoSH 11/03/2016 - David Wilson - 'Creating PowerShell Projects with Plaster'

PhillyPoSH 11/03/2016 - David Wilson - 'Creating PowerShell Projects with Plaster'

PhillyPoSH 10/06/2016 - Warren Frame - 'Continuous Deployment with PowerShell'

PhillyPoSH 10/06/2016 - Warren Frame - 'Continuous Deployment with PowerShell'

PhillyPoSH 9/1/2016 - Mike Fal - Exploring SQLPS, the SQL Server Powershell Module'

PhillyPoSH 9/1/2016 - Mike Fal - Exploring SQLPS, the SQL Server Powershell Module'

PhillyPoSH 8/4/2016 - Timothy Warner - Windows PowerShell DSC Implementation Best Practices

PhillyPoSH 8/4/2016 - Timothy Warner - Windows PowerShell DSC Implementation Best Practices

PhillyPoSH 5/5/2016 - Steve Parankewich - PowerShell EWS

PhillyPoSH 5/5/2016 - Steve Parankewich - PowerShell EWS

PhillyPoSH 7/7/2015 - John Mello and TJ Turner

PhillyPoSH 7/7/2015 - John Mello and TJ Turner

PhillyPoSH 5/7/2015 - Jim Ficarra - PowerShell and Puppet

PhillyPoSH 5/7/2015 - Jim Ficarra - PowerShell and Puppet

PhillyPoSH 3/26/2015 - Steven Murawski : Intermediate DSC – Building DSC Resources

PhillyPoSH 3/26/2015 - Steven Murawski : Intermediate DSC – Building DSC Resources

PhillyPoSH 3/5/2015 - Derek Murawsky : Introducing Chocolatey

PhillyPoSH 3/5/2015 - Derek Murawsky : Introducing Chocolatey

PhillyPoSH 1/8/2015 - John Mello : The ForEach and Where methods in Powershell v4

PhillyPoSH 1/8/2015 - John Mello : The ForEach and Where methods in Powershell v4

PhillyPoSH 10/02/2014 - John Mello : Creating Custom Object, TJ Turner : Run Space Pools

PhillyPoSH 10/02/2014 - John Mello : Creating Custom Object, TJ Turner : Run Space Pools

PhillyPoSH 09/04/2014 - Jan Egil Ring : Get Started with Windows PowerShell DSC

PhillyPoSH 09/04/2014 - Jan Egil Ring : Get Started with Windows PowerShell DSC

PhillyPoSH 08/07/2014 - Matt Wrock : Boxstarter and More...

PhillyPoSH 08/07/2014 - Matt Wrock : Boxstarter and More...

PhillyPoSH 07/03/2014 - Dr. Ferdinand G. Rios : Building PowerShell GUI Tool Solutions

PhillyPoSH 07/03/2014 - Dr. Ferdinand G. Rios : Building PowerShell GUI Tool Solutions

PhillyPoSH 06/05/2014 - Jeff Hicks : Getting Started with Desired State Configuration (DSC)

PhillyPoSH 06/05/2014 - Jeff Hicks : Getting Started with Desired State Configuration (DSC)