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PhillyPoSH 08/07/2014 - Matt Wrock : Boxstarter and More...

PhillyPoSH 08/07/2014 - Matt Wrock : Boxstarter and More...

Matt Wrock joins PhillyPoSH to present on deployment automation topics covering Boxstarter, Chocolatey, Vagrant, and automation testing with Chef Test-Kitchen.

Matt will start with some demos of Boxstarter illustrating how it can be used to build a self standing Windows environment with a focus on how to test the package installs on a virtual machine. Then we will explore some other tools and techniques suited for “machine convergence” testing. Many of these tools, like Vagrant and the Chef-based Test-Kitchen, have their roots outside of Windows but can most certainly provide assistance to PowerShell automation.

Matt Wrock has over fifteen years of experience architecting scalable, distributed, high traffic web applications as well as configuration management and deployment automation. Matt currently lives in Woodinville, WA with his wife, two daughters, three dogs, two cats and ridable lawn mower. Until just recently Matt worked for Microsoft as a Sr. Software Engineer and now works for CenturyLink Cloud focusing on data center automation. Matt is project founder of Boxstarter and a committer to Chocolatey and Pester.