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AZPosh: Mike F. Robbins - PowerShell Non-Monolithic Script Module Design

AZPosh: Mike F. Robbins - PowerShell Non-Monolithic Script Module Design

Time: April 4th, 6PM Our Speaker: Mike F. Robbins

Topic(s): PowerShell Non-Monolithic Script Module Design Creating a script module in PowerShell is a very simplistic process, but there are a number of reasons why you might not want to create one huge monolithic PSM1 script module file that contains all of your module’s functions. During this session, Microsoft MVP Mike F Robbins will demonstrate how to separate each of your module’s functions into its own dedicated PS1 file that’s dot-sourced from your script module’s PSM1 file along with discussing this design methodology and the challenges that it creates. Many times resolving one problem seems to create more problems such as cmdlets from other modules showing up as being exported by your module. The solution to these problems and more will be provided during this session. Mike will also demonstrate using a Pester test to validate that all of the functions are indeed exported along with using a function to help automate the module manifest update process when additional functions are added to your module.

URL(s): mikefrobbins.com

Location: Tek Systems 2625 South Plaza Drive Suite #301 : 3rd Floor in the main conference room. Tempe AZ